Terms of service.

Program Terms and Conditions

Cancellation Policy

  • No Refunds After Start: Once a booking, program, workshop, or event has begun, no refund or credit is possible.

  • Late Cancellations: If you miss a booking, program, or workshop without giving at least 48 hours notice, no credit or refund is applicable.

  • Early Cancellations: Cancellations received over 72 hours from the date of the booking will forfeit the 50% non-refundable booking deposit. Additionally, a $25 cancellation fee will be charged for cancellations made less than 72 hours before the scheduled booking.

  • One-Time Waiver: Each client is entitled to a one-time cancellation fee waiver. The policy will take effect with a second cancellation violation.

  • Cancellation Notice: If you need to cancel your booking outside of the 72 hours before the start of your session, you must do so in writing.

  • Booking Changes: Changes can be made to your booking by providing 72 hours notice.

  • Provider Cancellations: Should Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting need to cancel a booking in less than 72 hours, a full refund, credit, or transfer for another booking will be offered. We accept no liability for any other costs.

Discount Codes

  • Acceptance of Terms: By redeeming our discount code, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions. You must comply with these terms and conditions for a coupon code to be valid.

  • Limitations: You are entitled to one coupon code per session. Coupon codes are not transferable, not redeemable for cash, and cannot be combined with any other offer, discounts, or promotions offered by Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting.

  • Usage: Each coupon code is identified by a unique code and has different discount amounts. To redeem the coupon code, type the code into the promo code box in the booking field of the Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting scheduling page, and the relevant discount will be automatically deducted from the final price. Discounts cannot be claimed after confirmation of your purchase.

  • Validity and Expiry: Each coupon code is valid for a limited time only and expires on the dates specified in the email sent to clients by Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting.

  • Lost Coupons: Coupons cannot be replaced if emails are deleted.

  • Cancellation Impact: If a coupon is used and the booking (in accordance with the cancellation policy) is cancelled less than 72 hours before the booking, the coupon will no longer be valid.

  • Liability: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury suffered or sustained as a result of accepting and/or using the coupon, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

  • Email Responsibility: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting accepts no responsibility for late, lost, or misdirected email or other communications.

  • Right to Discontinue: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to discontinue a coupon at any time.

  • Electronic Signature: Your use of this discount constitutes your electronic signature to its Terms and Conditions.

Conditions of Enrollment and Participation

  • Assumption of Risk: You understand and voluntarily agree to all innate and obvious risks associated with the session or program, including but not limited to all risks of personal injury and any losses caused by or arising from acts or omissions of Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting employees or guest facilitators.

  • Indemnity: You indemnify us against any proper claims, costs, or damages arising from any breach of these Terms and Conditions.

  • Program Amendments: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to make amendments to its programs without prior notice either before or during a program or to cancel a program.

  • Program Structure: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to structure programs, group classes, workshops, or webinars as required.

  • Right to Refuse Enrollment: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to refuse any enrollment as permitted by law or to request a participant to leave a course if they are disruptive, consistently late, or have not paid their fees.

  • Recording for Quality: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to record group programs for quality monitoring and training purposes. All images and recordings are stored securely. Recordings will not be distributed without your written permission.

  • Prohibition on Recording Distribution: Participants may not publish, distribute, or upload recordings (audio, videos, or photos) of any bookings with Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting for any publication or social media website.

  • Copyright of Materials: Where recordings of sessions or digital learning assets such as scripts or pre-recorded video are provided, this material remains the copyright of Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting and can only be used by the participant for personal use. It may not be copied, sold, screened publicly, or submitted to agents.

  • Privacy Policy: By participating in Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting one-on-one sessions, programs, workshops, and webinars, you agree to the Privacy Policy.

Safety, Wellbeing, and Inclusion

  • Commitment to Safety: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting takes seriously its commitment to providing safe and inclusive services and learning environments, free from bullying, discrimination, or harassment.

  • Definition of Bullying: Bullying refers to behavior where any person—client, student, staff, or visitor—directly or indirectly, repeatedly behaves (words or actions) unreasonably towards a person or group of people to cause distress, creating a risk to health and safety or hindering that person’s ability to attend an Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting event or participate in activities.

  • Definition of Harassment: Harassment refers to behavior when any person—participant, client, staff, or visitor—causes another person to feel belittled, intimidated, offended, apprehensive, or singled out.

  • Investigations: If a student, client, participant, staff person, or visitor is accused of bullying or harassment, Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting management will investigate the situation and consult with all parties. During ongoing investigations, it may be necessary to temporarily restrict attendance to a program, workshop, webinar, or event as a precautionary measure.

  • Consequences: Any person found to have committed or condoned discrimination, bullying, or harassment may be removed permanently or restricted from attending Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting activities or events.

  • Exclusion Rights: Adobea Foli Coaching & Consulting reserves the right to temporarily or permanently exclude a student or participant from enrollment in activities, or restrict their access to events based on behavior that contravenes any terms and conditions of enrollment.


  • Electronic Agreement: Your use of our Scheduling Page and features accessed through this page constitutes your electronic signature to the Agreement set out in these Terms and Conditions and your consent to enter into agreements with us electronically. This Agreement will be deemed to satisfy any writing requirements of any applicable law, notwithstanding that the Agreement set out in these Terms and Conditions, as well as our Terms of Service, is written and accepted electronically. All contracts between you and us completed electronically will be deemed for all legal purposes to be in writing and legally binding as a signed written agreement.

Privacy Policy

  • Contact Information: Please write to us at support@adobeafoli.com or info@adobeafoli.com if you have any questions or need further clarification.